Language: eng / rus

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Crimean-tatar alphabet

Xeo-Voice is a freeware program for speech synthesis and music vocalizing with function of record sound to the file. Crimean-tatar language (latin alphabet 1992) is supported.

By default the stress falls to the last syllable of the word, else add the backquote after the stressed vowel, for example: alma = apple, a`lma = do not take.

See the texts in crimean-tatar language (latin alphabet 1992) at,, etc.


For the text input through keyboard the program Xeo-Voice 1.x uses two standard layots: english and english-russian. On the base of UTF-8 table for crimean-tatar language the special alphabet was created.


CRIMEAN-TATAR ALPHABET 2013 for Xeo-Voice 1.x

Author: Ronald Sp4rk
Created (v1.1): 12.12.2013
Edited (v1.2): 01.02.2014
Edited (v1.3): 02.05.2014
Edited (v1.4): 27.07.2014
Edited (v1.5): 31.10.2014


Crimean-tatar alphabet 2013 contains the symbols which are necessary for the correct recording, reading and a pronunciation of texts in crimean-tatar language. 4 encodings are supported.

The encoding cyr-2013 is completely based on cyrillic alphabet, the encoding lat-2013 - on latin alphabet. In the encoding eng-rus-2013 (english-russian layot), instead of cyrillic symbols, which are not present in russian alphabet, letters from english alphabet are taken. In the encoding eng-2013 (english layot) all symbols are replaced with english letters and their combinations.

All encodings 2013 are completely convertible among themselves. It is possible to enter symbols in english or english-russian layot and then to encode the text into cyrillic or latin alphabet, and on the contrary.

The writing of 7 old letters are changed: J j on Ž ž, C c on J j, İ i on I i, I ı on Ǐ ǐ, Ñ ñ on Ň ň, H h on Ȟ ȟ, Ş ş on Š š. 7 letters are added: W w, Ä ä, Ě ě, ^, ' and new C c, Ş ş. 4 symbols are added: Ê ê, Î î, Ô ô, Û û. Read more in the notes below.


lat-1992      ipa    cyr-2013      eng-rus-2013  lat-2013      eng-2013
latin         ipa    cyrillic      eng.-rus.     latin         eng.

A a       01. a~ɑ    А а           А а           A a           A a
          02. æ      Ә ә           Я я           Ä ä [2]       A'/Ah a'/ah [17]
B b       03. b      Б б           Б б           B b           B b
V v       04. v      В в           В в           V v           V v
G g       05. g      Г г           Г г           G g           G g
Ğ ğ       06. ɣ~ʁ    Ғ ғ           G g           Ğ ğ           Gh gh
D d       07. d      Д д           Д д           D d           D d
              ʲe     Е е           ЬЕ ье         Ê ê [13]      'E 'e
E e       08. e      Ě ě           Е е           E e           E e
              ʲo     Ё ё           ЬО ьо         Ô ô [15]      'O 'o
J j       09. ʒ      Ж ж           Ж ж           Ž ž [6]       Zh zh
C c       10. dʑ     Ӝ ӝ           J j           J j [7]       J j
Z z       11. z      З з           З з           Z z           Z z
              ʲi     И и           ЬИ ьи         Î î [14]      'I 'i
İ i       12. i      Ӥ ӥ           И и           I i [9]       I i
Y y       13. j      Й й           Й й           Y y           Y y
K k       14. k      К к           К к           K k           K k
Q q       15. q      Қ қ           Q q           Q q           Q q
L l       16. l      Л л           Л л           L l           L l
M m       17. m      М м           М м           M m           M m
N n       18. n      Н н           Н н           N n           N n
Ñ ñ       19. ŋ      Ң ң           N n           Ň ň [11]      Nh nh
O o       20. o~ɔ    О о           О о           O o           O o
Ö ö       21. ø      Ө ө           Ё ё           Ö ö           O'/Oh o'/oh [17]
P p       22. p      П п           П п           P p           P p
R r       23. r      Р р           Р р           R r           R r
S s       24. s      С с           С с           S s           S s
T t       25. t      Т т           Т т           T t           T t
U u       26. u      У у           У у           U u           U u
Ü ü       27. y      Ү ү           Ю ю           Ü ü           U'/Uh u'/uh [17]
          28. w      Ў ў           W w           W w [1]       W w
F f       29. f      Ф ф           Ф ф           F f           F f
H h       30. x      Х х           Х х           Ȟ ȟ [12]      Kh kh
          31. ts     Ц ц           Ц ц           C c           C c
Ç ç       32. tɕ     Ч ч           Ч ч           Ç ç           Ch ch
Ş ş       33. ʃ      Ш ш           Ш ш           Š š [8]       Sh sh
          34. ɕ      Щ щ           Щ щ           Ş ş           Xh xh
          35. ʔ      Ъ ъ           Ъ ъ           ^ ^ [5]       ^ ^
I ı       36. ɯ~ɨ    Ы ы           Ы ы           Ǐ ǐ ı [10]    I'/Ih i'/ih [17]
          37. ʲ      Ь ь           Ь ь           ' ' [4]       ' '
          38. ɛ      Э э           Э э           Ě ě [3]       E'/Eh e'/eh [17]
              ʲu     Ю ю           ЬУ ьу         Û û [16]      'U 'u
 ⠠         ʲa     Я я           ЬА ьа         Â â           'A 'a

Remark: Also it is supported the encoding arab-2013. See the table with arabic alphabet in Menu -- Help -- Manual,
or at the site:
It is need to appreciate that the case of letters is lost in encoding into arabic alphabet.


[1] The new letter W w as an english letter W w was added. It is a nonsyllabic.
[2] The new letter Ä ä as an english mAp was added.
[3] The new letter Ě ě as an russian letter Э э was added.
[4] The new letter ' as an russian soft sign Ь ь was added.
[5] The new letter ^ as an arabian or russian hamza (a short pause) was added.
[6] The writing of old crimean-tatar letter J j was changed on Ž ž.
[7] The writing of old crimean-tatar letter C c is changed on J j. On its place the new letter C c as a russian letter Ц ц was added.
[8] The writing of old crimean-tatar letter Ş ş is changed on Š š. On its place the new letter Ş ş as a russian letter Щ щ was added.
[9] The writing of old crimean-tatar letter İ i was changed on I i.
[10] The writing of old crimean-tatar letter I ı was changed on Ǐ ǐ. It is allowed to write ı instead of ǐ, but it is prohibited to write I instead of Ǐ.
[11] The writing of old crimean-tatar letter Ñ ñ was changed on G g.
[12] The writing of old crimean-tatar letter H h was changed on Ȟ ȟ.

[13] The new symbol Ê ê as an palatal (soft) non-yotisated russian letter Е е was added.
[14] The new symbol Î î as russian letter И и was added.
[15] The new symbol Ô ô as an palatal (soft) non-yotisated russian letter Ё ё was added.
[16] The new symbol Û û as an palatal (soft) non-yotisated russian letter Ю ю was added.

[17] In the encoding eng-2013 the vowels A' a', O' o', U' u', I' i', E' e' are possible to be written as Ah ah, Oh oh, Uh uh, Ih ih, Eh eh accordingly. The such writing is used before vowels and in words with the specified stresses.


In crimean-tatar alphabet 2013 the soft sign is used in the encodings eng-rus-2013 and eng-2013 to write russian (and ukranian) names, surnames and other words with palatalisation (softness). Instead of е it is written the digraph ье ('e), instead of ё - ьо ('o), instead of и - ьи ('i), instead of ю - ьу ('u), instead of я - ьа ('a). It is need to keep in mind, that there is no front-side letters in russian alphabet, that's why, to exclude the front-side consonants, before vowels е (e), и (i) it is need to write the soft sign. Examples:


              cyr-2013      eng-rus-2013  lat-2013      eng-2013
Артём         Артём         Артьом        Artôm         Art'om
Вася          Вася          Васьа         Vasâ          Vas'a
Татьяна       Татьйана      Татьйана      Tat'yana      Tat'yana
Степан        Степан        Стьепан       Stêpan        St'epan
Рюрик         Рюрик         Рьурьик       Rûrîk         R'ur'ik

Remark: In the encodings cyr-2013 and lat-2013 is supported an automatical replacing of combination of letters ьě ('e) on е (ê), ьо ('o) on ё (ô), ьӥ ('i) on и (î), ьу ('u) on ю (û), ьа ('a) on я (â). The symbols Е е (Ê ê), Ё ё (Ô ô), И и (Î î), Ю ю (Û û), Я я (Â â) are the digraphs, are absent in the encodings eng-2013 and eng-rus-2013, are executed exclusively a decorative function, are not considered as the independent letters, are used only for palatalisation (softness), not for yotisation.


3 speech style are supported: russian, english and french. In english style the alveolar [r] is automatically changed on the approximant [ɹ], the alveolar [l] is changed on the velar [ʟ], the dental [t], [d] and [n] are changed on the alveolar [t], [d] and [n] accordingly. In french style [r] is changed on the uvular [ʀ].


Example of the reencoding of text

lat-1992: Qırımtatar tili ya da Qırım tili — qırımtatarlarnıñ tilidir, Altay til ailesine kirgen türkiy tillerge mensüp. Yazı tili latin ve kiril urufatlarınıñ esasındadır. Sabıq ŞSCB territoriyasındaki qırımtatarca laf etkenlerniñ umumiy sayısı tahminen 350 biñ kişi, olardan 250 biñ kişi Qırımda otura. Bulğaristan ve Romaniyada — 30 biñge yaqın. Türkiyedeki qırımtatarca laf etkenlerniñ sayısı aqqında işançlı malümat yoq.

cyr-2013: Қырымтатар тӥлӥ йа да Қырым тӥлӥ - қырымтатарларның тӥлӥдӥр, Алтай тӥл аӥлěсӥнě кӥргěн түркӥй тӥллěргě мěнсүп. Йазы тӥлӥ латӥн вě кӥрӥл уруфатларының ěсасындадыр. Сабық ШСӜБ тěррӥторӥйасындакӥ қырымтатарӝа лаф ěткěнлěрнӥң умумӥй сайысы тахмӥнěн 350 бӥң кӥшӥ, олардан 250 бӥң кӥшӥ Қырымда отура. Булғарӥстан вě Романӥйада - 30 бӥңгě йақын. Түркӥйěдěкӥ қырымтатарӝа лаф ěткěнлěрнӥң сайысы аққында ӥшанчлы малүмат йоқ.

eng-2013: Qi'ri'mtatar tili ya da Qi'ri'm tili - qi'ri'mtatarlarni'nh tilidir, Altay til ailesine kirgen tu'rkiy tillerge mensu'p. Yazi' tili latin ve kiril urufatlari'ni'nh esasi'ndadi'r. Sabi'q ShSJB territoriyasi'ndaki qi'ri'mtatarja laf etkenlerninh umumiy sayi'si' takhminen 350 binh kishi, olardan 250 binh kishi Qi'ri'mda otura. Bulgharistan ve Romaniyada - 30 binhge yaqi'n. Tu'rkiyedeki qi'ri'mtatarja laf etkenlerninh sayi'si' aqqi'nda ishanchli' malu'mat yoq.

lat-2013: Qırımtatar tili ya da Qırım tili - qırımtatarlarnıň tilidir, Altay til ailesine kirgen türkiy tillerge mensüp. Yazı tili latin ve kiril urufatlarınıň esasındadır. Sabıq ŠSJB territoriyasındaki qırımtatarja laf etkenlerniň umumiy sayısı taȟminen 350 biň kiši, olardan 250 biň kiši Qırımda otura. Bulğaristan ve Romaniyada - 30 biňge yaqın. Türkiyedeki qırımtatarja laf etkenlerniň sayısı aqqında išançlı malümat yoq.

arab-2013: قئرئمتاتار تێلێ يا دا قئرئم تێلێ - قئرئمتاتارلارنئڭ تێلێدێر, التاي تێل اێلۏسێنۏ كێرگۏن تۈركێي تێللۏرگۏ مۏنسۈپ. يازئ تێلێ لاتێن ۋۏ كێرێل ۇرۇفاتلارئنئڭ ۏساسئندادئر. سابئق شسجب تۏررێتۆرێياسئنداكێ قئرئمتاتارجا لاف ۏتكۏنلۏرنێڭ ۇمۇمێي سايئسئ تاخمێنۏن 350 بێڭ كێشێ, ۆلاردان 250 بێڭ كێشێ قئرئمدا ۆتۇرا. بۇلغارێستان ۋۏ رۆمانێيادا - 30 بێڭگۏ ياقئن. تۈركێيۏدۏكێ قئرئمتاتارجا لاف ۏتكۏنلۏرنێڭ سايئسئ اققئندا ێشانچلئ مالۈمات يۆق.

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