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Mongolian alphabet

Xeo-Voice is a freeware program for speech synthesis and music vocalizing with function of record sound to the file. Mongolian language (cyrillic alphabet 1943) is supported.

By default the stress falls to the last syllable of the word, else add the backquote after the stressed vowel.

See the texts in mongolian language (cyrillic alphabet 1943) at,, etc.


For the text input through keyboard the program Xeo-Voice 1.x uses two standard layots: english and english-russian. On the base of UTF-8 table for mongolian language the special alphabet was created.


MONGOLIAN ALPHABET 2013 for Xeo-Voice 1.x

Author: Ronald Sp4rk
Created (v1.8): 01.08.2015
Edited (v1.12): 23.08.2016


Mongolian alphabet 2013 contains the symbols which are necessary for the correct recording, reading and a pronunciation of texts in mongolian language. 4 encodings are supported.

The encoding cyr-2013 is completely based on cyrillic alphabet, the encoding lat-2013 - on latin alphabet. In the encoding eng-rus-2013 (english-russian layot), instead of cyrillic symbols, which are not present in old russian alphabet, letters from english alphabet are taken. In the encoding eng-2013 (english layot) all symbols are replaced with english letters and their combinations.

All encodings 2013 are completely convertible among themselves. It is possible to enter symbols in english or english-russian layot and then to encode the text into cyrillic or latin alphabet, and on the contrary.

Letters Ё ё, Ю ю, Я я were liquidated. Instead of them combinations of letter Й й and a corresponding vowel by phonetic transcription are used. Also old digraphs П п, Т т, Ц ц, Ч ч were liquidated. The writing of 6 old letters are changed: Б б on П п, В в on Ў ў, Д д on Т т, Ж ж on Ч ч, З з on Ц ц, Л л on Ӟ ӟ. 8 letters are added: Һ һ, Ӹ ӹ and new Б б, В в, Д д, Ж ж, З з, Л л. Read more in the notes below.


cyr-1943      ipa    cyr-2013      eng-rus-2013  lat-2013      eng-2013
кириллица     мфа    кириллица     англо-рус.    латиница      англ.

А а       01. a      А а           А а           A a           A a
          02. b      Б б [4]       Б б           B b           B b
          03. v      В в [5]       В в           V v           V v
Г г       04. g      Г г           Г г           G g           G g
          05. d      Д д [6]       Д д           D d           D d
Е е           ʲe     Е е           ЬЕ ье         Ê ê           'E 'e
          06. e      Ě ě [12]      Е е           E e           E e
Ё ё           ʲo     Ё ё           ЬО ьо         Ô ô           'O 'o
          07. ʒ      Ж ж [7]       Ж ж           Ž ž           Zh zh
          08. z      З з [8]       З з           Z z           Z z
Л л       09. ɮ      Ӟ ӟ [3]       L l           Ż ż           Lh lh
И и           ʲi     И и           ЬИ ьи         Î î           'I 'i
          10. i      Ӥ ӥ [11]      И и           I i           I i
Й й       11. j      Й й           Й й           Y y           Y y
К к       12. k      К к           К к           K k           K k
          13. l      Л л           Л л           L l           L l
М м       14. m      М м           М м           M m           M m
Н н       15. n      Н н           Н н           N n           N n
О о       16. o      О о           О о           O o           O o
Б б       17. p      П п           П п           P p           P p
Р р       18. r      Р р           Р р           R r           R r
С с       19. s      С с           С с           S s           S s
Д д       20. t      Т т           Т т           T t           T t
У у       21. u      У у           У у           U u           U u
В в       22. w      Ў ў [1]       W w           W w           W w
Ф ф       23. f      Ф ф           Ф ф           F f           F f
Х х       24. x      Х х           Х х           Ȟ ȟ           Kh kh
          25. h      Һ һ [2]       Y h [14]      H h           X x
З з       26. ts     Ц ц           Ц ц           C c           C c
Ж ж       27. tɕ     Ч ч           Ч ч           Ç ç           Ch ch
Ш ш       28. ʃ      Ш ш           Ш ш           Š š           Sh sh
Щ щ       29. ɕ      Щ щ           Щ щ           Ş ş           Xh xh
Ъ ъ       30. ʔ      Ъ ъ [13]      Ъ ъ           ^ ^           ^ ^
Ы ы       31. ɨ      Ы ы           Ы ы           Ǐ ǐ ı [16]    I'/Ih i'/ih [15]
          32. ɤ      Ӹ ӹ [10]      I i           Ÿ ÿ           Y'/Yh y'/yh [15]
Ь ь       33. ʲ      Ь ь           Ь ь           ' '           ' '
Э э       34. ɛ      Э э           Э э           Ě ě           E'/Eh e'/eh [15]
Ю ю           ʲu     Ю ю           ЬУ ьу         Û û           'U 'u
Я я           ʲa     Я я           ЬА ьа         Â â           'A 'a

Remark: Also it is supported the encoding arab-2013. See the table with arabic alphabet in Menu -- Help -- Manual, or at the site:
It is need to appreciate that the case of letters is lost in encoding into arabic alphabet.


[1] The new letter Ў ў as an english letter W w was added. It is a nonsyllabic.
[2] The new letter Һ һ as an english letter H h was added.
[3] The new letter Ӟ ӟ as a lateral voiced fricative was added.
[4] The new letter Б б as a russian letter Б б was added.
[5] The new letter В в as a russian letter В в was added.
[6] The new letter Д д as a russian letter Д д was added.
[7] The new letter Ж ж as a russian letter Ж ж was added.
[8] The new letter З з as a russian letter З з was added.
[9] The new letter Л л as a russian letter Л л was added.
[10] The new letter Ӹ ӹ as a schwa was added.
[11] The writing of old russian letter И и was changed on Ӥ ӥ.
[12] The writing of old russian letter Е е was changed on Ě ě. The letter Ě ě is used only as a vowel, not as a digraph.
[13] The letter Ъ ъ is used only as a hamza (a short pause).

[14] In the encoding eng-rus-2013 upper-case leter H (h) is occupied with cyrillic Н (н), that's why, instead of latin H, letter Y was taken.
[15] In the encoding eng-2013 the vowels I' i', Y' y, E' e' are possible to be written as Ih ih, Yh yh, Eh eh accordingly. The such writing is used before vowels and in words with the specified stresses.
[16] In the encoding lat-2013 it is allowed to write ı instead of ǐ, but it is prohibited to write I instead of Ǐ.


There is no russian letters е, ё, и, ю, я in mongolian alphabet 2013, but it is possible to write russian names, surnames and other words with palatalisation (softness). Soft sign is used in the encodings eng-rus-2013 and eng-2013 for this. Instead of е it is written the digraph ье ('e), instead of ё - ьо ('o), instead of и - ьи ('i), instead of ю - ьу ('u), instead of я - ьа ('a). It is need to keep in mind, that there is no front-side letters in russian alphabet, that's why, to exclude the front-side consonants, before vowels е (e), и (i) it is need to write the soft sign. Examples:


              cyr-2013      eng-rus-2013  lat-2013      eng-2013
Артём         Артём         Артьом        Artôm         Art'om
Вася          Вася          Васьа         Vasâ          Vas'a
Татьяна       Татьйана      Татьйана      Tat'yana      Tat'yana
Степан        Степан        Стьепан       Stêpan        St'epan
Рюрик         Рюрик         Рьурьик       Rûrîk         R'ur'ik

Remark: In the encodings cyr-2013 and lat-2013 is supported an automatical replacing of combination of letters ьě ('e) on е (ê), ьо ('o) on ё (ô), ьӥ ('i) on и (î), ьу ('u) on ю (û), ьа ('a) on я (â). The symbols Е е (Ê ê), Ё ё (Ô ô), И и (Î î), Ю ю (Û û), Я я (Â â) are the digraphs, are absent in the encodings eng-2013 and eng-rus-2013, are executed exclusively a decorative function, are not considered as the independent letters, are used only for palatalisation (softness), not for yotisation.


3 speech style are supported: russian, english and french. In english style the alveolar [r] is automatically changed on the approximant [ɹ], the alveolar [l] is changed on the velar [ʟ], the dental [t], [d] and [n] are changed on the alveolar [t], [d] and [n] accordingly. In french style [r] is changed on the uvular [ʀ].


Example of the reencoding of text

cyr-1943: Монгол үндэстний эрт эдүгээ цагийн хэл аялгуу, үсэг бичгийг хамтад нь Монгол хэл бичиг гэнэ. Түүнээс Монгол үндэстний эх хэлийг Монгол хэл (худам монголоор монггул хэлэ, тод монголоор монггол хэлэн) гэдэг. Хэл шинжээчид Монгол хэлийг төрөл гарлаар нь Түрэг, Тунгус зэрэг салбар бас багтах Алтай язгуурын Монгол бүлэгт Дагуур, Дуншян, Могол зэрэг хэд хэдэн хэлний хамтаар гол төлөөлөгч нь болгон харъяалуулдаг. Өнөөдөр тусгүй ч Дөрвөлжин, Соёмбо, галиг, Вагиндрын зэрэг үсэг бичгийн уламжлал бас бий. Монгол хэл бичиг нь эгшиг зохицох ёстой, Алтай хэлний язгуурын ерөнхий шинж буюу өгүүлэгдэхүүн-тусагдахуун-өгүүлэхүүн дарааллаар өгүүлбрээ бүтээдэг. Нэр үг, үйл үгийн адаг нь тийн ялгал, дагавар, нөхцлөөр хувирдаг.

cyr-2013: Монгоӟ унтэстний эрт этугээ цһагийн хэӟ айаӟгуу, усэг пичгийг хамтһат ӹнь Монгоӟ хэӟ пичһиг гэнэ. Тһуунээс Монгоӟ унтэстний эх хэӟийг Монгоӟ хэӟ (хутам монгоӟоор монггуӟ хэӟэ, тһот монгоӟоор монггоӟ хэӟэн) гэтэг. Хэӟ шинчээчһит Монгоӟ хэӟийг тһороӟ гарӟаар ӹнь Тһурэг, Тһунгус цэрэг саӟпар пас пагтһах Аӟтһай йацгуурын Монгоӟ пуӟэгт Тагуур, Туншан, Могоӟ цэрэг хэт хэтэн хэӟний хамтһаар гоӟ тһоӟооӟогч ӹнь поӟгон харйааӟууӟтаг. Оноотор тһусгуй ӹч Торўоӟчин, Сойомпо, гаӟиг, Ўагинтрын цэрэг усэг пичгийн уӟамчӟаӟ пас пий. Монгоӟ хэӟ пичһиг ӹнь эгшиг цохицһох йостһой, Аӟтһай хэӟний йацгуурын йеронхий шинч пуйуу огууӟэгтэхуун~тһусагтахуун~огууӟэхуун тарааӟӟаар огууӟпрээ путһээтэг. Нэр уг, уйӟ угийн атаг ӹнь тһийн йаӟгаӟ, тагаўар, нохцӟоор хуўиртаг.

eng-2013: Mongolh untehstn'iy e'rt e'tugehe' cxag'iyn khe'lh ayalhguu, use'g p'ichg'iyg khamtxat y'n' Mongolh khe'lh p'ichx'ig ge'ne'. Txuunehe's Mongolh untehstn'iy e'kh khe'lh'iyg Mongolh khe'lh (khutam mongolhoor monggulh khe'lhe', txot mongolhoor monggolh khe'lhe'n) ge'te'g. Khe'lh sh'inchehe'chx'it Mongolh khe'lh'iyg txorolh garlhaar y'n' Txure'g, Txungus ce're'g salhpar pas pagtxakh Alhtxay yacguuri'n Mongolh pulhe'gt Taguur, Tunshan, Mogolh ce're'g khe't khe'te'n khehlhn'iy khamtxaar golh txolhoolhogch y'n' polhgon kharyaalhuulhtag. Onootor txusguy y'ch Torwolhch'in, Soyompo, galh'ig, Wag'intri'n ce're'g use'g p'ichg'iyn ulhamchlhalh pas p'iy. Mongolh khe'lh p'ichx'ig y'n' e'gsh'ig cokh'icxokh yostxoy, Alhtxay khehlhn'iy yacguuri'n y'eronkh'iy sh'inch puyuu oguulhe'gte'khuun~txusagtakhuun~oguulhe'khuun taraalhlhaar oguulhprehe' putxehehte'g. Ne'r ug, uylh ug'iyn atag y'n' tx'iyn yalhgalh, tagawar, nokhclhoor khuw'irtag.

lat-2013: Mongoż untěstnîy ěrt ětugěě chagîyn ȟěż ayażguu, usěg pîçgîyg ȟamthat ÿn' Mongoż ȟěż pîçhîg gěně. Thuuněěs Mongoż untěstnîy ěȟ ȟěżîyg Mongoż ȟěż (ȟutam mongożoor mongguż ȟěżě, thot mongożoor monggoż ȟěżěn) gětěg. Ȟěż šînçěěçhît Mongoż ȟěżîyg thoroż garżaar ÿn' Thurěg, Thungus cěrěg sażpar pas pagthaȟ Ażthay yacguurın Mongoż pużěgt Taguur, Tunšan, Mogoż cěrěg ȟět ȟětěn ȟěżnîy ȟamthaar goż thożoożogç ÿn' pożgon ȟaryaażuużtag. Onootor thusguy ÿç Torwożçîn, Soyompo, gażîg, Wagîntrın cěrěg usěg pîçgîyn użamçżaż pas pîy. Mongoż ȟěż pîçhîg ÿn' ěgšîg coȟîchoȟ yosthoy, Ażthay ȟěżnîy yacguurın yêronȟîy šînç puyuu oguużěgtěȟuun~thusagtaȟuun~oguużěȟuun taraażżaar oguużprěě puthěětěg. Něr ug, uyż ugîyn atag ÿn' thîyn yażgaż, tagawar, noȟcżoor ȟuwîrtag.

arab-2013: مۆنگۆډ ۇنتؤستنإي ؤرت ؤتۇگؤؤ څهاگإين خؤډ اياډگۇۇ, ۇسؤگ پإچگإيگ خامتهات ېن' مۆنگۆډ خؤډ پإچهإگ گؤنؤ. تهۇۇنؤؤس مۆنگۆډ ۇنتؤستنإي ؤخ خؤډإيگ مۆنگۆډ خؤډ (خۇتام مۆنگۆډۆۆر مۆنگگۇډ خؤډؤ, تهۆت مۆنگۆډۆۆر مۆنگگۆډ خؤډؤن) گؤتؤگ. خؤډ شإنچؤؤچهإت مۆنگۆډ خؤډإيگ تهۆرۆډ گارډاار ېن' تهۇرؤگ, تهۇنگۇس څؤرؤگ ساډپار پاس پاگتهاخ اډتهاي ياڅگۇۇرئن مۆنگۆډ پۇډؤگت تاگۇۇر, تۇنشان, مۆگۆډ څؤرؤگ خؤت خؤتؤن خؤډنإي خامتهاار گۆډ تهۆډۆۆډۆگچ ېن' پۆډگۆن خاريااډۇۇډتاگ. ۆنۆۆتۆر تهۇسگۇي ېچ تۆروۆډچإن, سۆيۆمپۆ, گاډإگ, واگإنترئن څؤرؤگ ۇسؤگ پإچگإين ۇډامچډاډ پاس پإي. مۆنگۆډ خؤډ پإچهإگ ېن' ؤگشإگ څۆخإڅهۆخ يۆستهۆي, اډتهاي خؤډنإي ياڅگۇۇرئن يٶرۆنخإي شإنچ پۇيۇۇ ۆگۇۇډؤگتؤخۇۇن~تهۇساگتاخۇۇن~ۆگۇۇډؤخۇۇن تارااډډاار ۆگۇۇډپرؤؤ پۇتهؤؤتؤگ. نؤر ۇگ, ۇيډ ۇگإين اتاگ ېن' تهإين ياډگاډ, تاگاوار, نۆخڅډۆۆر خۇوإرتاگ.

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